Last week I made a post introducing everyone to my foray into the hobby of Wargaming. This week I plan on jumping straight in to the new Orcs & Goblins army book, frills and all still attached.
I sat down and thumbed through all the juicy bits of fluff and stuff, reminiscing about when I did that exact same thing as a child. Not much of the fluff has changed, but the army, as a whole, has really developed into a diverse and synergistic army.
I decided to write a fun little list (4k points) built around marauding goblins who had escaped slavery from their Dark Elf masters. They hooked up with some pissed off trolls and a big mob of orcs who had gotten lost in the cold mountains of the north. I decided that about half my goblins would be "Frost Goblins" which share a common look and aesthetic as gnoblars, therefor I am using gnoblars to represent around 100 of my little guys.
Da Witty Git (Night Goblin Great Shaman) - 140
Level 4 - 35
Channeling staff - 15
Ironcurse Icon - 5
Gog Skullbreaka (Savage Orc Great Shaman) - 170
Wyvren - 160
Talisman of Preservation - 45
Dawnstone - 25
Barrelbreaka (Goblin Warboss) - 65
Teefnasha (Giant Wolf) - 18
Armour of Gork - 100
Shield - 3
Spear - 3
Heroes (653):
Gitilla da Hunta -110
-Da Howlerz
Sticky Fingas (Goblin Big Boss) -35
BSB - 25
Spider Banner - 85
Light Armour - 2
Shield - 2
Spear - 2
Short Bow - 2
Giant Wolf - 12
Apprentice Zigzog (Goblin Shaman) - 55
Level 2 - 35
Dispel Scroll - 25
Apprentice Kaboom (Night Goblin Shaman) - 50
Level 2 - 35
Seed of Rebirth - 10
Talisman of Protection - 15
Buglug Buttmuncha (Goblin Big Boss) - 35
Basha's Axe of Stunty Smashin' - 50
Light Armour - 2
Shield - 2
Clapjab Kneebita (Goblin Big Boss) - 35
Light Armour - 2
Sword of Striking - 15
Biting Blade - 10
Core (1856):
Da Howlerz (Goblin Wolf Riders x14) - 140
Short Bows x14 - 14
Shields x14 - 14
Spears x14 - 14
Boss - 10
Musician - 10
Standard Bearer - 10
Da Huntaz (Goblin Wolf Riders x13) - 130
Short Bows x13 - 13
Shields x13 - 13
Spears x13 - 13
Boss - 10
Standard - 10
Musician - 10
Da Stickas (Goblin Wolf Riders x15) - 150
Short Bows x15 - 15
Shields x15 - 15
Spears x15 - 15
Boss - 10
Standard - 10
Musician - 10
Griggits Lot (Common Goblins x50) - 150
Spears x50 - 25
Shields x50 - 25
Boss - 10
Musician - 10
Standard - 10
Sick Pot Stinkas (Frost Goblins x50) - 150
Short Bows x50 - 25
Shields x50 - 25
Boss - 10
Musician - 10
Standard - 10
Da Belly Scratchas (Frost Goblins x50) - 150
Short Bows x50 - 25
Shields x50 - 25
Boss - 10
Musician - 10
Standard - 10
Beergut's Lost Expedition (Orc Boyz x50) - 300
Big 'Uns x50 - 100
Spears x50 - 50
Shields x50 - 50
Boss - 10
Musician - 10
Standard - 10
(Insert magic standard here)
Theavin' Gits (Nasty Skulkers x7) - 70
--Distributed secretly during deployment
Special (300):
'Ardgut an' 'is Merry Trolls x6 - 210
Gorko's Shishkababer (Goblin Spear Chukka)- 35
-Gorko (Orc Bully) - 10
Burbub's Fing Flinga (Goblin Spear Chukka) - 35
Burbub (Orc Bully) - 10
Da Snipa (Goblin Spear Chukka) - 35
Snake Eata (Orc Bully) - 10
Rare (355):
Slipsnot's Lo-rida (Snotling Pump Wagon) - 45
Spiky Roller - 15
Flappas - 5
Gergud's Mealz on Weelz (Snotling Pump Wagon) - 45
Spiky Roller - 15
Flappas - 5
Krazy Ed's 'ang-gliding Toors (Goblin Doom Diver) - 80
Willy's Rockin, betta den Ed's, 'ang-gliding Toors (Goblin Doom Diver)- 80
Now that my list idea is out of the way, let's chat about what I think the highlights and lowlights of the new book. Note that lowlights doesn't mean bad, just means not what I wanted to see.
Cunnin' but Brutal -
Full colour pages, beautifully hardbound (although it's still printed in China), full of gorgeous pictures and funny little Blanche style drawings and scribblings in the margins. The whole book seems too organized to really scream orcy, but the theme is there. Perhaps this book was written by a well studied goblin scholar?
Background remains pretty much unchanged, although some new fluff about Savage Orcs has been added. I still remember playing games when Azhag was still alive, but he died in 7th edition so I am not to put out.
Animosity is finally back to where it was in 6th edition. Back when animosity was not a screw yourself button. I do miss my OLD quell animosity from 6th edition where you just had to have black orcs near units to stop them from hurting themselves/others and make them squabble instead, but I like the option to punch a couple grots to get the boyz back on da warpath.
The new units and unit upgrades are superb. I have always felt that Orcs should be the most diverse army on the table, looking disheveled and angry, always ready to scrap together a rough lot o' gits and go about crumpin' some 'umie 'eads. *cough* Hrmmmm excuse me.
Not a lot new here. Nice to see Wurrzag back and really nice to see the points remained about the same for the no-name lords. Grimgor was slightly nerfed, but honestly, did he need 7 attacks? I mean, I had him kill a Hydra before in one round of combat. Plus, Gorbad got a nice little buff, but I still won't play him because he feels too, well, boring. His model looks swell (except for the fact that I made one out of plastic when I was a wee one that looks almost as good), but his fluff just doesn't get me excited. Over all, I prefer the slight changes made, and I am really happy things don't look to have changed too much. Did I mention the army list has 4 pages of lord entries? For an army whose leaders are murdered every day in scraps with up and comin' Big 'uns, it doesn't surprise me. Plus the level of customization with special items from the core rule book really gets me excited and allows me to really play the individual warboss act from game to game. The magic items page is unfortunate, but I will talk about that in a moment.
A yes, my new favorite section of the army list! Named cavalry heroes? YES PLEASE! Gitilla da Hunter has got to be my favorite new character. One, his name spews hilarity, and two, a unit of wolf riders with BS 4 is just WAY too good to turn down! The rest of the hero choices are par for the course and really didn't change much. They added a spider rider hero, and giant cave squigs now add an extra wound on to hero choices. I would have liked to see a few more named heroes, similar to Dark Elf, Skaven and High Elf design, but I really like the flexibility and relative cheapness of the no-names in army list.
Is it just me, or did Arrer boyz get... better. Huh, maybe it's the fact that goblins only get short bows now, leaving Arrer boyz with the furthest range in the army outside of warmachines. Orc Boyz went up a point, but the choppa rule is totally worth that. Also, I noticed the old structure of "banner costs 2x base cost for a model, musician costs 1x base cost and champion is usually 2x base (sometimes +4)" has been removed for a stream lined base points of 10 across the board. I like this change and hopefully it will be the same for all armies.
Goblins went down a point, and their upgrade options dropped to 1/2 points as well, meaning I can really fit a lot of the buggers in the list. Spider Riders went up 1 point, but now auto include spears, and Wolf Riders are ALWAYS fast cavalry now, regardless of their weapon layout. I also like the change to all the units where a bow doesn't replace your shield and spear. Makes a LOT more sense than previous editions of the game, and I think it's a step in the right direction.
I think my favorite unit in the core section is the return of the Sneaky Gits... I mean Nasty Skulkers. 10 points for assassin like models that are good for protecting your hero choices/shamans as well as getting poisoned attacks with weapon piercing makes these little guys an auto-include for me, much like fanatics back in 6th and 7th edition. I still miss clubbers for night goblins and I wish they could be kitted with bows and spears and shields, but they are still 1 point per model less than common goblins with just weapon upgrades.
That's it for now, next week I will touch on the special units, rares, magic and unit synergy that makes this army fun and unique. I will also go into the specifics of what I find lacking in the new book.
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