Here we have the beginnings of Madrak Ironhide, World Ender. My friend had switched to Hordes from Warhammer 40k where he spent a lot of time painting... well, blue. When he chose Trollbloods for Hordes, he wanted to change up the common blue and flannel theme, so he decided on a deep red skin tone and a more "armoured" look to his force. With that in mind, and having previously painted Grim Angus for him, I took on the undertaking of painting up Madrak.
Now I am not up to par with the history of the IronKingdoms, Warmachine and Hordes backgrounds, but when my friend was describing this Warlocks background, I immediately thought "Azhag the Slaughterer" and Emperor Nero. I decided that Azhag, being a ravenous orc, would not be an appropriate theme for this character, so I delved more into the Roman concept. The robes are a rich purple hue, similar to the types of robes worn by Emperors and the Senate.
Obviously this guy isn't quite done yet, but I have been encountering some issues with the white cape. I built up from a Khaki base to Menoth Highlight, but my methods were a little ham-handed. The Axe has been blocked out, and the blade is done, but I am not quite sure how to approach the haft. Hopefully I will be able to get this guy finished and move on to Borka.
Also, look out for the upcoming Stormblades. These will also be somewhat of an undertaking, mainly because I want to make them look Cygnarian while still looking rather realistic over the cartooney "smurf" look they have on the PP website.
That 'lock looks pretty smurfin' awesome!